Corris No 7 at its terminus in Corris, May 2018
Summer months tend to be a bit light on news and this month’s newsletter is no exception!This edition is mostly concerned with ‘business matters’ and the Test Tracks, but there are also notes about another stock sale, Data Protection, the Club’s Policy and Practice Guidance on Financial Controls and our show update.
First however, very best wishes to Ken Lewis and that bodger extraordinaire John Rogers, long-time members recovering from illness, and we look forward to seeing them back soon.
The Test Tracks
There is some important news on the Test Track refurbishment project. This was always going to be a big job and, relying on limited volunteer effort, it will now clearly over-run. Whilst a number of circuits are operational and fully utilised by members, a substantial amount of track-laying still needs to be undertaken.
The current situation is this: 5 or 6 circuits are complete but 4 further OO circuits need to be laid and then, when they are running satisfactorily, the 4 N gauge circuits need to be installed. The new electrics [for the entire system] need to follow and cosmetic work on the outside needs completing.
Unfortunately, someone recently attempted to raise the entrance flap and damaged the laid track in that area. The flap has been temporarily screwed down to prevent this from happening again but the damaged track still requires remedial attention.
Requests for volunteers to assist in track laying have not proved hugely successful and little has been undertaken over the past few weeks. Mal Rowe, the project lead, has now returned from leave however and is keen to crack on. In order to complete the build in a reasonable time-frame, he will work on it on Thursday nights and at other times if at all possible. He still needs volunteer assistance however and so a further plea is being made for this: contact Mal directly this Thursday night if you are able to help.
The consequence of Thursdays being ‘build nights’ will be the non-availability of the Test Tracks for running stock at that time. However, the tracks can be used on other days when no construction is taking place and, of course, the Club’s other OO gauge layouts remain available for use.
The delay in completion is regretted but it is unavoidable. It will ultimately result in a far superior facility however and one which has increased capacity and the ability to switch from analogue to DCC on each circuit. Thanks for your patience.
Railway Accidents in Swansea
Member John Gray came across the following article recently which he felt may be of interest. He found it whilst undertaking some unrelated research on-line. It comes from ‘The Cambrian’ and is dated Friday, 28th. October, 1904.
Trucks Collide near Landore.
A railway accident, happily, unaccompanied by mishap to life or limb, befell an empty goods train at Landore Station, near Swansea, at 4.40 p.m. on Tuesday.
An engine was shunting a train of eleven trucks of coal up the incline from Landore on the Middle-road, towards Cockett. When near Cwmbwrla, the coupling snapped next to the engine, and the trucks started down the incline. The guard used the brakes, without effect, owing to the speed of the trucks. Near Landore siding there were empty trucks standing and the runaway wagons dashed into these and sent them running. An emergency catch line near No. 2 signal-box diverted the trucks from going into the main line, but was not sufficient to prevent some of the trucks being derailed and dashing into the south wall of the signal-box, doing no inconsiderable damage, and demolishing 20ft. of masonry. Traffic was not interrupted at all, and the trucks, which were only slightly marked with the impact, were re-railed before mid-night.
The General Data Protection Regulation : May 2018
Our compliance with the new Regulation has been excellent and the majority of members have given their authority for the Club to hold their personal contact details – and thank you all for your co-operation with what I thought would be a far more irksome task. Thanks also to Scott Rhodes and others who collared members on Thursdays to sign the forms!
A very small number of members still have to provide their agreement however. They will receive this newsletter as usual but I shall contact them again shortly with the consent form for them to complete. The choice about compliance is then quite reasonably their’s, but to keep to the spirit of the Regulation, it will not be possible to e-mail or post newsletters and other information to them after June should they not give consent.
SRMG Financial Management Policy
With nearly 100 members, our income from subscriptions and stock sales requires careful and transparent management. A significant amount of money is paid out each month also, and that needs to be accounted for in a professional manner.
The Treasurer has just issued guidelines to ensure that the above is always undertaken consistently and in a way which bear thorough scrutiny. As members, you have a right to expect no less and attached with this newsletter is a copy of the guidance for your information.
Please note however that the guidance also requires that when members seek reimbursement for authorised expenditure, claims need to be submitted within three months of the event or payment may not follow.
Stock sale
A reminder that the next sale will be held on Thursday the 21st. June at 7.00pm. It will be held in one of the larger rooms on the first floor. Details have already been shared, but a selection of N and OO gauge stock will be on sale, together with a large number of OO railway-related vehicle and buildings.
The OO stock includes some interesting limited editions, including a Hornby LNER A1 version of ‘The Flying Scotsman’ [rather more scarce than the later rebuilt A3 version and not often seen in model form being a limited edition of 1000] and a boxed set containing the LMS ‘Princess Elizabeth’ and three coaches [with track, controller, etc], issued to commemorate the Queen’s Silver Jubilee. This loco had gold-plated metalwork!
The 2018 show – a brief update
Scott Rhodes advises that 15 traders, 3 societies and 15 exhibiting layouts have so far been signed up to appear at our October show. He is still seeking to sign up further layouts and updates on this will be issued in due course.
Scott has also received interest from clubs in exhibiting at our 2019 and 2020 shows, such is the way that these things are organised. The 2019 show will remain [we anticipate] at the LC but it is likely that the following year’s event [2020] will move to another venue because of planned building work in and around the LC car park. It is also possible that the 2020 show will be held far earlier in the year but before I set any hares running there, wait for confirmation of that last bit!
Running shows is an expensive business and a potential financial liability. Last year’s event cost in the region of £8000 to stage, this year’s will be more because costs have risen.Consequently, effective advertising to pull in the punters and sponsorship and traders’ fees are critical to success. Very soon, you’ll all be asked if you can assist with leaflet and poster distribution. If you can help in any way, it would be enormously appreciated and contribute significantly to what we anticipate will be another successful event. Remember too, please, that we will need marshalls and others to help in the hall on the day. Free entry is provided to those members who sign up for these roles. Speak to Scott or put your name on the notice-board sheet [if you haven’t already!]. Many thanks.
Diary dates
21st June at 7.00pm - Stock sale
14th & 15th. July - Barry and Penarth MRC 40th. annual railway exhibition – 10am to 4pm at St. Cyre’s School, Sully Rd, Penarth CF64 2XP.
Finally, the Thursday locking-up duties for June and July
June 21st. - Mal Rowe
June 28th. - Mike Sarsfield
July 5th. – Scott Rhodes
July 12th. – Richard Grigg
July 19th. – Bob James
July 26th. – Gwyn Harwood
That’s all for this month so best wishes all,
No 7 with three bogie coaches leaving Maespoeth Junction on its return to Corris
The Corris Railway’s No 7 is an 0-4-2 Saddle tank built in 2005 at a cost of £125,000, No 7 is an updated replica of an original Corris locomotive [No4] built in 1921 and now running on the Talyllyn Railway as ‘Edward Thomas’