Classic Valleys tank engines, ex-GWR 56XX and 66XX 0-6-2 Classes nos. 5601, 6649 and 5605, on shed at Abercynon in the 1960s. Photograph used with thanks but source unknown [Facebook]
With the annual show now only days away, and there being still much to do with layout preparation and general set-up, there is no time for a normal newsletter this month. Instead, I’ve included just a couple of updates for imminent events.
Before those though, members will remember from last month’s update the news of a generous bequest to the club from the estate of the late John Rogers. John’s sister, Claire, contacted me very recently and has given the club an oak and brass plaque to commemorate John’s membership. This will be put up in the clubroom, with a photograph of John, once the show is out of the way.
The 2019 private owner wagon commission
Noel has asked me to advise you that all wagons pre-booked will be available at the club to club members on Thursday 19 September. If you have ordered and are yet to pay, please bring cash or a cheque to the club on Thursday.
The Christmas Do
Again, please remember that this will take place on November 1st and it is still possible to book a place – see the sheet on the club notice board. The do will take place at Norton House and remains astonishingly good value at £14.00 for members’ partners [one partner per member only at this price however] and free for members. Please would those members who have booked to attend with partners pay for their other halves by Thursday 24th October, as well as giving Noel Blows their individual choices of starter, main and dessert, as these have to be with the hotel by 25th October [a week in advance].
The 2019 show
It’s nearly upon us. Scott has asked me to remind all members that there will be a show briefing at the club on Thursday the 19th September [this coming Thursday] at 7pm sharp. Shows, being what they are, can only be really successful if there are sufficient hands to assist over the period, so please help us to make this another memorable event [for all the right reasons!]. Thanks.
The Great Model Railway Challenge – Channel Five
Season two of this popular TV show has now commenced once again and sees a club member [Gwion Rhys Davies this time] competing with other teams over several episodes. You can watch it on Channel 5 on Friday nights at 8pm. It’s probably on catch-up, too, if you missed last Friday’s episode.
A sneak peek of the ‘Who's Counting Rivets’ layout. Tune in to Channel 5 October 4th to see how Gwion’s team got on.
I hope this this finds you well, enjoy what’s left of the summer [and the show!] and best wishes all.