An ex-LNWR/LMS G2a class seen at Cardiff General Station in the 1950s. These ‘Super D’ 0-8-0 locos were often seen in South Wales hauling excursion trains from the Eastern Valleys to Barry Island, via the Walnut Tree Viaduct, but rarely on the Western region main line at Cardiff. Source: internet, but photographer unknown
Club members will be aware of the sad passing of Chris Zajac in late August. Chris was both a prolific modeller and also a well-known and well-liked member of the club, and one who will be very much missed. A number of members were able to attend a recent service held to celebrate his life and we were able to pass on members’ condolences to Chris’ wife and son. It was also decided to donate the show’s raffle takings – a substantial amount – to a charity nominated by Chris’ family in his name. They have chosen the British Heart Foundation.
We have been approached by Chris’ son – Kristian – with a view to helping the family move on Chris’ truly enormous model railway collection. Gwion Davies and I collected ¾ of this recently – it filled two cars – and the balance will be taken up shortly. Once we have been able to sort through the stock and agree a price with the family, it will begin to be sold through our stock sales.
This was touched on it the last newsletter. The date has moved slightly to Sunday the 29th. October [10.30 – 4.00] and Noel Blows has taken on the responsibility of organising it. 15 clubs from mid-Wales down have been invited and we are hoping to be able to repeat the extremely successful event held last year.
It would be really appreciated if those involved with the club’s layouts could be available on the day if possible to run their creations and answer questions arising. Many thanks in advance.
Refreshments are being provided primarily for our visitors but also for those involved with the running of the day. If members are able to attend, it would be appreciated if they could indicate this on the notice which Noel will be putting up shortly on one of the boards. If this could be achieved by Thursday the 12th. October it would be helpful and greatly assist with the organisation of the event. Again, many thanks in advance and let’s work together to make this another memorable occasion.
This incident appeared in last month’s newsletter, but from another angle. This photograph – origin unknown – shows the accident more clearly and identifies the vehicle involved. From last month’s photograph it looked as though it could have been either a Phase 1 or 2 Standard Vanguard van or, possibly, a small Bedford.
This new view shows clearly that it is the latter, a Bedford, and possibly an A Series pick-up. If anyone has any further information about this, please let me know.
This matter refers to the fire escape door situated at the end of the long ground-floor corridor that runs past Kingston. A recent unannounced visit from the Fire Inspector noted that the cones and fencing outside the door were insufficiently spaced to allow completely unrestricted egress from the building. In Mal Shore’s presence, he measured the required distances, moved the cones and fencing to comply and instructed that they should not be moved again. Please, when parking adjacent to them, ensure that you do not displace them. A further visit is likely to confirm that his instructions have been followed.
After many years managing this incredibly successful and unique scheme, Noel Blows has now stood down from the project and is handing over the reins to Mark Samuel, Nick Clay and Roy Davies. They are currently preparing a proposal for next year’s commission, for Committee approval, and will then be in discussion with Dapol about taking it forward. I cannot tell you what next year’s wagon will be yet, but it will be a Swansea-based 7-planker as this is very much our signature production. More information will follow when the team is ready to release it.
D6877 hurrying a train of empty 16T unfitted mineral wagons through Ystrad Mynach in the Rhymney Valley on the 26th of August 1966. Having spent the majority of her life in South Wales, she was renumbered 37177, 37885 then in 2001 was transferred to Spain as L033, renumbered L24 and cut up in Madrid in 2003.
Yet another photograph from the superb collection of Rob Masterman, and used with many thanks.
This was mentioned last month but, given the fundamental nature of the changes planned, a second, final reminder is being given.
At the last AGM, the club’s Auditor made a number of recommendations with regard to the club’s management of petty cash and the way in which expenses were reimbursed to members. Following further discussion of these recommendations, and to simplify the role of the Treasurer, the Committee has agreed the following, which will commence from
October the First 2023:
The Treasurer will retain a limited pretty cash system for payments, etc., but will also maintain a ledger to record all payments and receipts as they are made. The petty cash account will not exceed £100 at any one time and will be credited up to that sum as required.
All claims for reimbursement should be submitted within one month of expenditure to prevent further large accumulated claims from occurring. This to commence from October 1st. 2023.
The threshold for petty cash payments will change. From the 1st October 2023, for claims of £30 or more, the preference will be for payment by cheque wherever possible.
From the 1st. October 2023, claims for reimbursement will only take place on the last Thursday of each month. Exceptional claims may be paid differently by arrangement however [eg. large show-related expenses or wagon commission payments].
All claims for repayment for purchases made against approved layout builds should show ‘Shed Master’ [ie. build lead] approval before they are submitted.
Finally, the Treasurer will no longer authorise any claims for repayment of expenses: that authority will instead require a Committee Member’s signature.
The above will respond to the recommendations made by the Auditor and simplify considerably the role of the Treasurer who, currently, spends much of each Thursday managing claims for repayment and has to carry relatively large amounts of petty cash from time-to-time. Hopefully, this will allow him more time to enjoy regular club activity and allow him to run his astonishingly eclectic collection of stock!
With some 1200 people through the door over the weekend, our recent show was a real success and whilst the figures have yet to be finalised, the club has made a significant profit. For your diaries, next year’s show will be held at the LC on the weekend of the 14th. and 15th. September and exhibitor booking has already commenced.
Many thanks to those who assisted over the two days and particular thanks to Gwion Davies and members of the show’s management team.
On a personal note however, next year we really must have more assistance with the heavy removals and those directly involved with the running on club layouts need to be involved with this task. It is clearly unsatisfactory if the delivery and return of layouts in particular is left to members the majority of which had an average age of 70+.
It would be good to post a set of photos of the show on the club’s website as a record. I’d be interest to receive any postable ones from members to assist with this.
The majority of members pay their subscriptions via Standing Orders and this process works very smoothly. It also means that the Treasurer does not have to chase members for their payments when they pay by cash. Unfortunately, it became necessary to terminate the membership of two members recently as their arrears had become unacceptable and discussion about this within Committee led to a need to restate that any member whose payment fall into more than three months arrears, without prior agreement, is likely to be considered for membership termination. We really do regret having to say this and it has,historically, only involved a tiny percentage of the membership. Their non-payment affects all of us however, hence the need to issue this reminder.
It’s a real pleasure to close this month with a fascinating bit of history. Michael Rhodes was on hand one day in 1975 to capture the prototype HST entering [then] Cardiff General with the crew on a training run. This scene has changed so much since that time….
With many thanks to Michael for allowing me to use his photograph
That’s all folks!