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Clear Creek


'Clear Creek' is an 11' by 11' (3.3m by 3.3m) wall to wall layout replicating an American narrow gauge railway, set in a rural community sometime between the 1930s - 1940s.

There are two operating wells in the centre of the layout and a 5' by 4' (1.5m by 1.2m) viewing area inside the doorway.

The layout is modelled to On30 standards, with rolling stock, scenery and track built to the scale of approximately 1:48 (¼ inch to the foot).

Whilst American main line services today mostly use the Standard Gauge of 4' 8½", a number of railways built in the 19th and 20th century, typically in difficult terrain, use various narrow gauges. Many of these narrow gauge railways are today in the hands of railway preservation societies.

Building began some years ago, with a number of members creating a folded figure of eight track crossing itself via a trestle and truss bridge.  The layout is now near completion, with a settlement and station, industrial buildings and scrubland being modelled.  The photographs below give a good indication of the size and nature of the layout.


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Above: 'The Coffee-Pot' - a Steam Motor Coach built by Kitson and Company of Leeds, UK.
Body built by the Metropolitan Amalgamated Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Ltd., Birmingham, UK.
Entered service with South Australia Railways in 1906. Withdrawn from Service 1932. Re-entered service with Pichi Richi Railway in 1984.


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